Chapter 6 Operators (& Dunder Methods)

Chapter 6 Operators (& Dunder Methods)

Per usual we’ll import a few packages

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

And generate a quick numerical series. One that starts at 0 (inclusive), increments by 2, and stops at 22 (non-inclusive).

s = pd.Series(np.arange(start = 0, stop = 22, step = 2))

Let’s display the values associated with s

0      0
1      2
2      4
3      6
4      8
5     10
6     12
7     14
8     16
9     18
10    20
dtype: int32

Exercise 1

Add a numeric series to itself

s + s
0      0
1      4
2      8
3     12
4     16
5     20
6     24
7     28
8     32
9     36
10    40
dtype: int32

Exercise 2

Add 10 to a numeric series

s + 10
0     10
1     12
2     14
3     16
4     18
5     20
6     22
7     24
8     26
9     28
10    30
dtype: int32

Exercise 3

Add a numeric series to itself using the .add method.

0      0
1      4
2      8
3     12
4     16
5     20
6     24
7     28
8     32
9     36
10    40
dtype: int32

Exercise 4

Read the documentation for the .add method.

Follow this link to read the documentation of the .add method.